PatchPro® Unlocks Value

PatchPro® – Create and Build Smart Assets and Your Digital Enterprise

In building and creating digital infrastructure you harness the value of the data your assets, infrastructure, technology and enterprise as a whole produces. Gaining a virtualized environment that is not only a visual representation of your connected infrastructure and assets, but also intelligence with unique data attributes and metrics that unlocks value. This intelligent access to and the visualization of your assets, their unique attributes and applied cost centers within your sites and facilities, becomes a powerful management tool for multiple departments within your enterprise.

The application converts all regions; sites, buildings, floors, rooms, data centres and more into real-time database objects. Then converts any and all assets within those respective regions, all with their own unique attributes and metrics:

  • Racks & cabinets
  • All active equipment
  • Cable trunking, cabling, ports
  • Fire-safety and alarm equipment
  • Vehicles, parking spaces, furniture, plants
  • Employees
  • Keys & Other

The result:

  • Unprecedented access & visibility of all assets within your enterprise
  • Improve efficiency and reduce costs with intelligent access and management capabilities
  • Empowered employees & end-clients

Racks, Connectivity & Active Components Become Intelligent Assets

PatchPro® Unlocks Value:
  • Asset Management
  • Facilities Management
  • Connectivity Management
  • Business Intelligence & Data Analytics
  • IoT & Automation
  • Digital Enterprise
PatchPro® Modules:
  • iPLM Infrastructure Physical Layer Management
  • DCIM Data Center Infrastucture Management
  • AIM Automated Infrastructure Management
  • PatchPro Web Application
  • SPM Service Planning Management

Understanding & Visualize Connectivity in Granular Detail

Copyright © 2023 Jaycor International
Engineered by: NJIN Agency