The Unsung Hero of Rail Communication – Industrial Cable

The transportation industry, unlike several other critical industrial operations, has the unique position of directly engaging with its passengers and keeping them happy and safe. Any delays in a transportation system not only lead to lost revenue but also a trickle-down effect of annoyed commuters, who can choose to spend their transportation budget someplace else.

Having nightmares about train delays, safety issues or interrupted passenger services? Customers are easily annoyed by issues, like inaccurate travel information, missed connections or lack of Wi-Fi.

Unless you oversee the overall operations of a railway system or you’re in charge of specifying a new or upgraded application– the reliability of the railway communication network rests on your shoulders. No matter your function in building out a proper Ethernet network, it can be easy to fall into the trap of focusing your attention on the “glossy” or more exciting components, like switches and routers. The duty those devices play can be exciting to discuss and debate – trust us, we get it!

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