Introducing Magnum 5RX Security Router

This ruggedized device delivers high-performance routing and advanced firewall function while ensuring network security. This is your moment to reduce total infrastructure costs, especially in high-volume deployments and highly distributed networks.


Ultimate Performance and Reliability in a 2-in-1 Package

Integrating advanced firewall security and routing in a fixed configuration, the Magnum 5RX Security Router provides current and legacy network interfaces and a valuable migration path to the new generation of network backbones. Features eight DB9-DTE serial ports along with standard six Gigabit Ethernet ports and one WAN (T1E1 or DDS) port.

  • Combined 2-in-1 solution
  • Ensures optimal performance
  • Total network support with Magnum series

GarrettCom Magnum 5RX Fixed Configuration Security Router offers a cost-efficient, two-in-one solution for industrial energy and utility applications.

The Magnum 5RX Security Router is a mid-level, industrial-grade security router serving the power generation, transmission and distribution markets by delivering an efficient edge-of-network solution.

Offering advanced routing and security capabilities in a single platform, the new router provides a natural migration path for customers planning a move to next-generation, high performance Gigabit Ethernet and Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) technology.


Combined two-in-one solution

  • Routing and security functionalities in a single device for streamlined management
  • Fixed configuration for a cost-effective system, especially in highly distributed deployment scenarios

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IT-OT Convergence and Conflict: Who is Responsible for ICS Security

Who is responsible for industrial cyber security in your organization? Whether it is Information Technology (IT) or a cross-functional ICS operations and process control group – often labeled Operations Technology (OT) – they possibly have incompatible approaches to resolving cyber security risk.

To both secure ICS and reap the productivity benefits of IT-OT convergence, the industrial cyber security program must be recognized as a cross-functional lifecycle and journey. IT and OT must work together for either team to be successful.

Pre-internet, the line between IT and OT was quite clear. Today, that line has been unclear. Technology can potentially permit connectivity to nearly every device on the plant floor and out to field locations. And it’s also connecting IT and OT in new ways too.

IT and OT are very different organizations that have begun to converge. This blog addresses one of the many causes of their conflict and how to start resolving the growing pains.

IT and OT Resisting Convergence

IT and OT are resisting convergence occuring all around them says Luigi De Bernardini, CEO of Autoware, an MES and smart manufacturing automation firm in Italy. When working with clients in large manufacturing automation projects he finds that “many manufacturers still see strong resistance to bringing information and operational technologies together, with mistrust coming from both sides.”

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U.S. Water Utility Rupture and ICS Cyber Security Lessons Acquired

Industrial control systems (ICS) are the workhorses of our world, and becoming more internet-connected, more virtualized in most cases, and remotely more accessible by the day. Gartner Research indicates 5.5 million devices were added per day in 2016, a pace that excellerates to an estimated 21+ billion internet-connected “things” running our world by 2020.

Security experts worry that the increase dependence on internet-connected devices is outpacing our ability to seal them. This is especially true within industrial and critical infrastructure because cyber threats could result in physical disruption, loss of availability and even risk to public safety.

Many ICS professionals continue to feel that the actual danger to plant operations and industrial automation are minimal given highly purpose-built industrial equipment, specialized communications protocols, air gaps and unique automation systems and processes. Unfortunately, that’s not what the data shows.

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Take a Self-Assessment for ICS Cyber Security Risk

Here’s the situation – industrial security is a hot topic today and management has decided to assign you the task to assess and come up with an action plan to protect the company from… well, they didn’t specify.

Perhaps some budget support has been provided for this task and perhaps not. Regardless of budget, it is understood that the priority is to keep production running while you put your plan into action.

Doing Nothing? Not an Option

Try the following industrial security self-assessment as a start for cyber security risk at your organization. While it isn’t for everyone, it’s a great starting point for your business. Taking action here may just help your company avoid some serious security incidents.

  1. Determine Who Should Help with the Assessment
  2. Identify the Critical Assets
  3. Prioritize and List the Largest Risks for Each Asset
  4. Prioritize the List of Industrial Security Assets
  5. Determine and Rate Existing Protection Measures

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Designing Machines for Global Use

Requirements for Machine builders today need to meet the demands of many diverse customers across the globe. And, since these clients usually prefer to use a specific industrial protocol, machine builders’ machines must adapt accordingly.

To make machine building easier, Belden’s Lumberg Automation brand developed the first multiprotocol I/O solution with M12 power (L-coded) connectors.

In this blog post, we share answers to a few questions about how Belden assisted one of its customers to easily meet global standards.

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An Elephant in the Industrial Control Room?

There is an elephant in industrial infrastructure control room. Most of the equipment within the US infrastructure sectors is at risk of aging out, currently requiring replacement and upgrades, yet still in production use.

Which means industrial networks, endpoints, control systems and other types of specialized systems and production equipment across many industries are in drastic need of replacement or upgrade.  For water and wastewater treatment facilities, the useful life of system components is estimated to be 15-95 years old according to the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and their report “Failure to Act – The Economic Impact of Current Investment Trends in Water and Wastewater Treatment Infrastructure”

Many of the components were installed in the 1950s for most major cities, years before today’s modern networks, technical advances, application architecture, industrial protocols, cyber security risks, compliance requirements, safety regulations and other factors applied.

Subsequently, It was no surprise when, in 2012, a large, growing California metropolis proposed funding for a new power generation and water treatment plant to increase capacity and replace its aging infrastructure

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F1 Racing Details a Real-Life Example of the IIoT

During an F1 race sensors in the car constantly communicate with the track, the pit crew, a team of engineers and the onsite broadcast crew. The immense volume of real-time data is put into predictive intelligence models and used for race strategy and car servicing. Data analysis and two-way communication happen simultaneously to create a competitive edge that can turn a losing car into a winner.

In many ways, the factory floor or industrial facility is like an F1 race car. Hundreds of sensors and machines generate more and more data. If you could input this data to the right decision-makers in a timely and easily decipherable way, how could your business be transformed? Could you improve reliability, efficiency, safety and production?

Some F1 teams are already transferring their knowledge to other industries. For example, Conoco Philips is testing this approach on oil rigs with assistance from the British automaker McLaren.

Five Ways to Move Forward on the IIoT

The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) enables the connectivity that allows businesses to gather greater insights and make data-driven decisions to achieve greater results. Though we don’t know all the applications that our businesses will build on the IIoT, there are two things we do know for certain:

  • More and more devices will connect to our industrial networks.
  • More and more data will cross the network to feed business applications and provide finer-grained control.

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ICS “Subversive Six” – the unseen risks within industrial infrastructures

Sean McBride aka self-described “Mr. Potatohead” delivered a keynote address at Belden’s annual Industrial Ethernet Infrastructure Design Seminar (IEIDS).

Sean is the lead analyst for critical infrastructure at iSight, specializing in securing industrial control systems (ICS) and operations environments.

Sean gave an excellent keynote drawn both his life experiences in the Idaho potato industry, and from his years in forensic and analyst work to help secure critical infrastructure and industrial control systems.

Sean masterfully wove his talk from the fields of Idaho to the control floor of industrial businesses. Speaking from experience, he highlighted the potentially “unseen” risks within potato farming and harvesting processes

  • Unauthenticated protocols
  • Outdated Hardware
  • Weak Password Management
  • Weak File Integrity Checks
  • Vulnerable Windows Operating Systems
  • Undocumented Third Party Relationships

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