How To Get Ready For Black Friday

Black Friday is quickly approaching. We need to get prepared for all that is to come, big discounts, long queue’s, overcrowded stores, longer delivery times, and the crazy buzz that comes along with the day. We’ve got some tips on how to get you ready for Black Friday, but the JAYCOR edition.

Follow these 5 easy steps, to get ready for Black Friday, the JAYCOR way:


1. Sign Up To Our Newsletter

Sign up to our newsletter to make sure you’re staying up to date on all exclusive Black Friday details. Get information on what will be on sale, what flash sales are happening, how you can win competitions and so much more. This will ensure that you are up to date on the latest JAYCOR deals, and that you don’t miss out on any new deals launching that day.

Want to sign up? – Use the link here


2. Follow Us On Our Social Media Platforms

We have 4 social media accounts which you can follow us on. We’re on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter, so choose one or more of the accounts on social media that will work best for you and give us a follow. Turn on the notifications to get immediate updates on whenever we post a new deal, a flash sale or any competitions on Black Friday. The sooner you’re aware of what’s happening, the higher your chances are of securing that deal.

All links can be found here – Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter


3. Make A Wishlist

Check out our website and make a wishlist on all the JAYCOR products that you’ve got your eye on to see if they’re on sale on Black Friday.


4. Think Ahead

You know what your business needs are, and you know what products are frequently bought, so consider buying your most needed business supplies on Black Friday to try and save a buck or two in advance.


5. Budget 

Set a budget for Black Friday. You don’t want to overspend on products you don’t need, so set a reasonable budget that you can spend during Black Friday, this advice goes for businesses as well as the everyday customer too. 

Price Increase Notification for Belden Products & Services, Effective January 2022

Price Increase Notification for Belden Products & Services, Effective January 2022


Dear Valued Customers,

As the price of semiconductors and some raw materials has continued to rise, and the demand for these products are still high, Belden has tried their best to source components with minimally increased prices and delivery dates that work best for us, but unfortunately the market situation has forced them to increase their prices varying between 4 and 15%.

The new prices will apply to all orders placed on and after 1 January 2023. All orders placed at the current prices before 1 January 2023, with a shipping request date after 31 December 2022, will be subject to price review and if necessary, a possible price correction.

In light of these increases we recommend you review any current or future demand for Belden products, and place scheduled orders now to take advantage of current prices. If you have any further questions on these processes, please contact us, and we’ll try our best to help you navigate this new pricing increase.

Sincere Regards,

Greg Pokroy
JAYCOR International (PTY) Ltd

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